Wander Alert System Helps Skilled Nursing Home
Posted by Accutech on June 23, 2011 2:52 pm
Once or twice a week, an alarm goes off at Saginaw Geriatrics Home in Saginaw, MI. Although it sounds like a smoke detector, it's not warning everyone that there's a fire. Rather the alarm is part of the Accutech ResidentGuard wander alarm system, and it's letting staff know that an Alzheimers patient may be wandering away.
The current system at the Saginaw Geriatrics Home is an updated version of the facility's old Acutech ResidentGuard VPU system.
"The reason why we went with Accutech again was not only cost effectiveness" says Administrator Don Mass. "but the updates to their equipment."
The LC 1200 system employs wearable tags and entryway sensors to alert staff if a resident wanders away from the facility. It also can be integrated with nurse call systems, closed circuit TV and other existing security features.
The following article was featured as a "couldn't live without product" in McKnights Long term Care magazine in April of 2010.
Accutech is a division of Innovative Control Systems, Inc. (ICS), an industry-leading supplier of quality security systems for over 25 years. Accutech provides RFID based Infant Protection and Patient Wanderer Security System. For more information, contact Chris Konicek at 10125 S. 52nd Street, Franklin, WI 53132, (414) 855-1121 or visit www.Accutech-ICS.com.
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