Newborn Baby Safety Tips
Posted by Accutech on August 26, 2020 3:09 pm
Your newborn baby’s safety is your top priority, whether you’re having a child for the first time or the fourth. Even when you have had a baby before, safety information changes, and you probably want to make sure you’re doing everything right.
While in the hospital after delivery, before you even take your baby home, you want to make sure they are safe by your side. For example, you would probably choose to deliver your baby at a hospital that has security practices in place to prevent anything from happening to your newborn. But what if you never thought about infant security in hospitals?
In the past, parents were told to put babies on their stomachs to sleep, but these days it’s “back is best” (American Academy of Pediatrics). You may have saved that crib from your first child to use for your second, but what if that crib has been recalled?
There is so much to think about when considering infant safety. The best way to learn the latest and greatest in safety information is to review the following safety tips.
Newborn Baby Safety Tips for Today
Since 2020 has decided to be the year when it all goes wrong, safety information is more important than ever. Check out the following tips, and you can mark them off on this handy baby safety checklist.
Find a Secure Hospital
Even before your child is born, you can keep them safe by going to a hospital that offers infant safety and security protections. For instance, locking doors, card swipes, cameras, infant tracking bands, and guest logs can all keep your baby safe before you even leave the hospital.
Allow Time Before Public Contact
Baby snuggles in the time of Corona may not be appropriate for the first few months. Baby can get snuggles from you and close family, but it may be best to keep others socially distanced for right now.
Use the Correct Car Seat
One of the first things you do when leaving the hospital after having a baby is put your newborn in a car seat. You may be tempted to use the same car seat you used from a previous child, but a lot has changed since then. It’s best to obtain a new, federally-approved car seat to protect your baby while in a motor vehicle.
Be Extra Careful in the Car
When moms and dads are sleep deprived, they can be absent-minded. It’s possible to leave a baby in the car and forget they are there due to sheer exhaustion. You should always leave your cell phone or purse in the back seat next to the baby, so you won’t accidentally leave your baby in a hot car.
Keep the Carrier on the Floor
To avoid injuries caused by falls, make sure to place your baby’s carrier on the floor. You don’t want to put the carrier on counters or tables.
Be Careful of Too Much Warmth
To prevent burns on your precious baby’s skin, don’t drink hot beverages around your newborn. You should not heat your baby’s bottle in the microwave, but instead, use a bottle-warming device or run the bottle under warm water.
Thoroughly Babyproof
Preventing accidents is important, so be sure to babyproof your home. That means keeping dangerous items out of your baby’s reach.
Be Wary of Water
Never leave your baby alone around water. The National Center for Biotechnology Information reports that children can drown in less than two inches of water.
New Baby Safety Products
New parents like to use the latest safety technology to protect their children from harm. Some of the latest technology includes video monitors, baby gates, edge guards, cabinet latches, and home security systems. Be sure to compare these products to get a sense of which one is right for you and your baby. Check out reviews, and always follow the manufacturer’s safety guidelines.
Video Monitors
Parents of young infants have enough to worry about without constantly checking on their sleeping babies. A video monitor can give parents the peace of mind that comes with being able to see their child at all times. Most monitors include features such as video and audio streaming, night vision, and two-way talk, which allows parents to soothe their baby from another room.
In addition, many monitors come equipped with temperature and humidity sensors, which can alert parents if the nursery is too hot or cold. Video monitors are an essential tool for any parent who wants to ensure the safety and security of their infant.
Baby Gates
Any parent knows that keeping a watchful eye on a crawling baby is a full-time job. In addition to monitoring their every move, you also have to worry about keeping them safe from harm. One of the best ways to do this is by using baby gates.
Baby gates create a physical barrier between your infant and any potential hazards, such as stairs or sharp corners. They can also be used to block off unsafe areas of the house, such as the kitchen or bathroom. Best of all, baby gates are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. Whether you choose a basic freestanding gate or a more sophisticated pressure-mounted model, a baby gate can give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your child is safe and secure.
Edge Guards
One of the most vulnerable places in the home is the edge of a table or countertop. Children can easily lose their balance and fall, sustaining serious injuries. Edge guards are an essential safety device for any home with young children. They are designed to fit snugly around the edges of furniture, creating a soft barrier that cushions any impact.
Edge guards are easy to install and can be an important part of keeping your child safe. With edge guards in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that your child is less likely to suffer a serious injury in the event of a fall.
Cabinet Latches
One way to prevent accidents at home is to install cabinet latches in any room where potentially dangerous items are kept. Cabinet latches help to keep curious toddlers from opening cabinets and getting into things like cleaning supplies or medication.
They can also be used to prevent young children from pulling heavy objects down on themselves. Although cabinet latches are not foolproof, they can help to reduce the risk of accidents in the home and give parents peace of mind.
Home Security Systems
By installing cameras and sensors around the house, you can keep an eye on your little one even when you're not in the room. Many home security systems also come with audio monitoring, so you can listen in on your baby's room and make sure they're okay. In addition, some systems can even send alerts to your phone if there's any unusual activity.
With a home security system in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that your child is safe and sound even when you're not there.
Keeping your baby safe is possible with the right tips and equipment. From hospital security to bathing your baby, you can keep your baby safe for years to come.
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