How to Make Sure Your Loved One’s Assisted Living Home is Secure
Posted by Accutech on December 15, 2022 2:19 pm
Having a loved one in an assisted living home can be difficult, and, while they are getting the care they need, it is important to ensure their security too. You want to make sure that your family member or spouse is safe and sound, so you may have questions about what the best steps are for keeping them secure.
In this post, we will discuss everything you need to know about ensuring your loved one's safety in an assisted living home - from checking security systems onsite at the facility to choosing a reputable provider. It is important to know that your elderly relative is safe and secure no matter where they live.
Look for a Home that is Specifically Licensed as an Assisted Living Facility
Finding the right assisted living facility for your specific needs can be a challenge, so it's important to be diligent in looking for one that is licensed. Start by confirming its license with your local state or regulatory department and make sure that the license agency has inspected it thoroughly. Do some research on their background and safety record, and ask if they offer programs specifically tailored to your individual needs.
Talk to current residents of the home and see how satisfied they are with the care they get. Visit the facility yourself and evaluate its cleanliness, maintenance, layout, staff attitude, and food quality before making any final decisions. With careful consideration, you'll find a facility that best suits your needs.
Ask About the Staff-to-Resident Ratio to Make Sure There is Enough Staff on Duty at all Times
Asking about the staff-to-resident ratio at an assisted living facility should be a top priority when considering a new home for your loved one. It is important to know that there is adequate personnel to ensure that all residents receive the attention they need in all aspects of their care, including medical, emotional, and social.
When calling or visiting the facility, make sure to inquire about the typical staff-to-residents ratio throughout the day – specifically during peak hours – so you can be sure help will always be available in case of an emergency. A proper staffing level can make all the difference in the quality of life for those living in assisted care.
Inquire About Security Measures in Place, Such as Access Control and Wander Management
When considering an assisted living facility for a loved one, it is important to inquire about the security measures in place to provide safety and protection. It is essential that there are access control measures to ensure that unauthorized people cannot enter the facility and that monitored wander management systems like ResidentGuard are in place to keep track of individuals at risk of wandering.
Before committing to a particular facility, ask questions such as:
- "Is there an alarm system on all entry/exit doors?"
- "Are visitor logs maintained?"
- "Is something available on staff to monitor patients that are more like to wander?"
Understanding the level of security at an assisted living center will help in finding the best option for you and your family.
Make Sure the Facility has a Policy for Managing Emergencies and Contacting Family Members
When deciding on the right assisted living facility for a loved one, it is important to ensure that they have a comprehensive policy in place for managing emergencies and have a clear way of contacting family members if anything unexpected were to occur.
Not only will this provide peace of mind to the individual living in the home, but also reassurance to family members that prompt action would be taken and communication established if any issues arose. By ensuring a strong emergency management system is in place, you can help your loved one maintain independence and safety while still having protection and support from family when needed.
Visit the Facility Frequently to Check in on Your Loved One and Get to Know the Staff
Visiting your loved one in an assisted living home can be an emotional roller coaster, but it is always important to make sure to check in regularly. Whenever you are able to visit, use that time to talk with the staff who work at the assisted living home and get to know them. It's essential that you create relationships with those who take care of your loved one so they can be more comfortable opening up to you and alerting you when there may be a potential issue coming up.
While it can be tough to remain upbeat during these visits, making an effort helps ensure that your loved one feels loved and supported.
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