Healthcare Security Solutions in Hospitals
Posted by Accutech on April 20, 2021 9:05 am
It chills the blood to think that people would commit crimes at hospitals—places that exist to save lives and cure illnesses. Unfortunately, crimes do occur at hospitals and healthcare facilities, and it’s important to take crime prevention seriously.
Hospital leaders can protect patients, workers, and visitors from harm by utilizing existing technology to secure their facilities. Using devices such as electronic access control systems, infant protection solutions, and other security measures, it’s possible to have a healthcare facility that is safe and sound.
Top Security Solutions and Why You Should Install Them
Whether you run a pediatric facility or a senior care center, the safety and security of your patients and residents are top priorities for you. When you’re thinking about installing security measures, you should weigh the pros and cons of each type you are considering. Here are the top security features you should consider installing at your hospital or healthcare building.
Surveillance Equipment
Cameras are great security features, and most hospitals typically have them by now. Cameras do a lot to prevent crimes by acting as a deterrent. When criminals realize a healthcare building is protected by surveillance cameras, they tend to think twice about committing crimes.
Capturing criminal activity in real time and relaying that behavior to a guard or worker who can react quickly can help stop crime in the act. Also, documenting criminal behavior is helpful for apprehension efforts and for accountability after a crime has already been committed.
Deterring crime should be the primary goal of security cameras, though, so make sure you install camera equipment in visible locations. Those who intend to do harm might reconsider.
Access Control
Controlling who enters and leaves your medical facility is useful in preventing crime. Only those who have authorization will be able to enter protected areas of a hospital. Access control can prevent infant abductions, patient and employee assaults, and theft of valuable equipment. Access control can also help slow down a criminal if they do manage to enter a protected area of a hospital. With hospital checkpoints protected, you may be able to stop a criminal before they are able to flee the healthcare facility.
Access control can also be used to protect vulnerable patients. You can use a combination of access control and wander wearable bracelets to keep track of infants, seniors in an elder care facility, or kids receiving medical care in a pediatric center.
Infant Digital Footprinting
As the smallest and most vulnerable patients, infants need security solutions to protect them from abduction. One security feature that could minimize or eliminate infant abductions and help with the recovery of missing newborns is infant digital footprint scanning. Digital footprints are superior to paper footprints in many ways. They don’t smudge, can’t be lost or torn, and can be quickly and easily disseminated to law enforcement in the event of an emergency.
Infant Security Solution
Another way to protect infants in hospitals is through an infant protection system. Using a secure bracelet band coupled with an electronic perimeter alert system, you can protect newborns from abduction in hospitals. Alert systems allow nursing staff to respond quickly to the unauthorized removal of a newborn from a secured area of a hospital.
Nurse Stations and Guard Stations
While security measures are important, they can’t replace human vigilance. Electronic security systems should be paired with human security measures. Nurse and guard stations can work to deter criminals. You can also use these access points for installation locations of security equipment.
Wander Prevention Solution
Finally, a wander wearable solution, such as Accutech’s ResidentGuard solution, can prevent injury and crimes of convenience by keeping kids and elderly medical patients safe and secure in the hospital. If they are able to leave the hospital unsupervised, they could get hurt or become victims of crime.
Types of Crimes That Could Be Averted Through Healthcare Security
Hospitals and medical facilities are places of healing and treatment. While it’s not a hospital leader’s job to fight crime, it is their job to protect patients from harm while they are under a hospital's care. Patients and employees expect to be safe in your medical facility, and you can make sure they continue to feel that way by preventing various types of crime.
Here are some of the crimes hospital security mechanisms can prevent:
- Abductions/kidnappings
- Harm to children
- Assaults on staff, visitors, or patients
- Theft of hospital assets
- Theft of personal belongings
- Property damage
More Reasons to Obtain Healthcare Security Solutions
In addition to crime prevention, hospital security systems can also lower your insurance premiums, bring patients and staff peace of mind, and reduce hospital liability. If you want to learn more about healthcare security, contact an Accutech representative today.
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