Accutech Experiences Growth In ResidentGuard LC 1200 Wandering System
Posted by Accutech on September 13, 2011 1:45 pm
September 7, 2011. Franklin, WI - Accutech announces a 120% increase in the sales of their entry level wander management system, the LC 1200 over the last two years. This growth reflects a trend in the health care related security industry as the need for residential nursing care for patients at risk of elopement is expected to double in the next 20 years.
As the baby boom generation ages, the United States is undergoing a demographic change that is leading to a dramatic increase in the need for skilled nursing facilities. A large part of this need is driven by an increase in the number of people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Long term care for patients with all forms of dementia requires wander alert systems to protect against the risk of elopement. As a leading manufacturer of health care related security systems, Accutech is positioned to continue capitalizing on this trend in the market with their line of ResidentGuard wander management systems.
An estimated 5.3 million Americans currently suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. The vast majority of these people, 5.1 million, are senior citizens. This means that one out of eight people age 65 and older (13 percent) has Alzheimer’s disease. By the year 2030, baby boomers--77 million strong--will account for 20% of the total population in the United States, and health experts estimate that at least 10 million will develop Alzheimer’s. Barring medical advancements that provide a means to prevent and treat the disease more effectively, this number is expected to grow to between 11 and 16 million people by 2050. The demand for professional care to meet the specific needs of this population will mean a significant growth in the capacity of acute care hospitals, long term care facilities and assisted living facilities.
Care of patients suffering from all forms of dementia requires preventive safety measures including wander alert systems--the risk of elopement in this patient population is well known. In order to assure the loved ones of patients who have entrusted their care to a long term care facility, as well as to protect themselves against punitive litigation, facilities must mitigate this risk with perimeter-based security and monitoring systems. Businesses who provide residential care to patients suffering from dementia face extensive regulatory requirements as well as legal threats dealing with elopement--10% of litigation against long term care facilities involve an elopement, with an average out-of-court settlement of $393,650.00 in 2009.
The ResidentGuard LC 1200 System is an entry-level solution for facilities that need quick, cost-effective patient monitoring capabilities. It can be implemented as a stand-alone or centralized system and can be installed and serviced by a facilities maintenance department. All ResidentGuard wander management systems can interface into existing card access systems, locks, CCTV and elevator deactivation systems. To protect against false alarms, Accutech RFID technology utilizes the low-interference, 418 MHz frequency--unusually high on the consumer spectrum--preventing false alarms from interference caused by other electronic devices. Accutech ResidentGuard systems experience the lowest rate of false alarms in the industry, allowing a long term care facility’s staff to spend more time caring for patients and less time trouble-shooting systems.
About Accutech
Accutech has engineered, manufactured, distributed and serviced radio frequency identification (RFID) and wireless products since 1985. They are an industry leader in the infant protection systems, resident wandering and pediatric elopement fields, with ongoing development, implementation and integration of healthcare related security systems. Their markets primarily consist of hospitals, birthing centers, assisted living facilities, skilled nursing homes, sub-acute facilities and even residential homes. All Accutech systems are manufactured in the U.S., and backed by the industry’s most comprehensive customer support program.
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